Viewed: 5 - Published at: 8 years ago

Women are the one's holding themselves back from participating in the first place - holding back their ideas, holding back their contributions, holding back their leadership and their talents. Too many women still believe that they're not allowed to put themselves forward at all until both they and their work are perfect and beyond criticism. Meanwhile putting forth work that is far from perfect rarely stops men from participating in the global cultural conversation... I like that feature in men - their absurd over-confidence, the way that they will casually decide "well I'm 41% qualified for this task, so give *me* the job..." sometimes, strangely enough, it works. A man who seems not ready for the task, not good enough for the task, somehow grows immediately into his potential through the wild leap of faith itself. I only wish women would also risk these same kinds of wild leaps, but I've watched too many women do the opposite. I've watched far too many brilliant and gifted female creators say "I am 99.8% qualified for this task, but until I master that last smidgen of ability, I will hold myself back, just to be on the safe side. Now, I cannot imagine where women ever got the idea that they must be perfect in order to be loved or successful. Hahaha! Just kidding! I can totally imagine. We've got it from every single message society has ever sent us! Thanks, all of human history!

( Elizabeth Gilbert )
[ Big Magic: Creative Living ]