As the final crisis boiled, his marginalia on telegrams grew more and more agitated: Aha! the common cheat, Rot! He lies! Mr. Grey is a false dog, Twaddle! The rascal is crazy or an idiot! When Russia mobilized he burst into a tirade of passionate foreboding, not against the Slav traitors but against the unforgettable figure of the wicked uncle: The world will be engulfed in the most terrible of wars, the ultimate aim of which is the ruin of Germany. England, France and Russia have conspired for our annihilation
by Barbara W. Tuchman
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As tensions heightened, the author's notes on telegrams reflected his increasing agitation, filled with accusations and insults directed at various figures. He expressed his frustration with terms like "false dog" and "rascal," indicating a deep distrust and sense of betrayal, particularly focusing on the looming threat of global conflict.

Upon Russia's mobilization, his anxiety intensified, transforming his ire from external enemies to an internal vision of destruction, particularly blaming England, France, and Russia for a conspiracy aimed at Germany's downfall. He foresaw a devastating war, underscoring the dire consequences of the political landscape unfolding around him.


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