Campbell, a character in Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "Slaughterhouse-Five," is described as an ordinary man who stands out due to his unusual and flamboyant uniform. His notable attire includes a white ten-gallon hat and black cowboy boots adorned with swastikas and stars, emphasizing a striking and controversial style. The blue body stocking featuring yellow stripes adds to his bizarre appearance, highlighting a blend of the mundane with the outrageous.
Additionally, Campbell's uniform includes a shoulder patch showcasing Abraham Lincoln's profile on a pale green background, which suggests a link to historical significance and irony. The red armband decorated with a blue swastika encircled by white further complicates his character, blending elements of Americana with unsettling symbols. This vivid description encapsulates the surreal nature of the book and the absurdity of war, a central theme in "Slaughterhouse-Five."