Clevinger is portrayed as a troublemaker who possesses a keen intellect, which makes him a threat in the eyes of Lieutenant Scheisskopf. The lieutenant is aware that Clevinger's cleverness can lead to potential unrest, not only among fellow cadets but possibly on a broader scale. Such intelligence in individuals often attracts scrutiny and fear, particularly from those in power. Lieutenant Scheisskopf's observations indicate a recognition that intelligent people can challenge the status quo, which makes them dangerous in a hierarchical environment.
Despite the evident animosity towards Clevinger, particularly from the cadet officers he assisted, there seems to be a lack of concrete charges against him. Although the officers are eager to discredit him, the absence of solid evidence highlights the difficulties of addressing subversive behavior within a bureaucratic structure. This situation reflects the absurdity and irony characteristic of the narrative in "Catch-22," where the system struggles to justify its actions against individuals who threaten its authority.