In "The Thirteen-Gun Salute," the protagonist, Maturin, finds himself in a state of discontent and hunger. His emotional turmoil is compounded by dissatisfaction with his situation, as he grapples not only with his physical needs but also with his relationship with his wife. Her remarks regarding their newborn's potential expression reveal her frustration with Maturin's demeanor, suggesting that he might be passing on his negativity to their child.
Maturin's wife expresses a strong opinion about the baby, indicating that if it inherits any of Maturin's unhappy traits, she would prefer to replace it with a more contented child from the Foundling Hospital. This exchange encapsulates their domestic tension, highlighting how Maturin’s crossness affects both his well-being and the dynamics of their household. It reveals the strain in their relationship, as Maturin battles his internal struggles while his wife's stern voice rings in his ears.