In Joseph Heller's "Catch-22," the protagonist, Yossarian, navigates the absurdities of war and the illogical bureaucratic rules that govern military life. The novel presents a sharp critique of the absurdity of conflict and the struggles of soldiers who are trapped in a paradox where the only way to escape the horrors of war is by proving insanity, yet seeking help for their mental state demonstrates sanity, which prevents them from escaping. This vicious cycle exemplifies the central theme of the book.
The quote "I'm a regular supra man" reflects the notion of ordinary individuals confronting extraordinary circumstances. Throughout "Catch-22," Heller emphasizes how regular soldiers like Yossarian grapple with their moral dilemmas amidst the chaos of war. This struggle between individual desires and systemic constraints highlights the universal themes of survival, autonomy, and the quest for meaning in an irrational world.