"On Green Dolphin Street" by Sebastian Faulks explores the deep emotional connection between two characters, encapsulated in the poignant sentiment expressed in the quote, "I've missed you, Frank. I haven't breathed since you left." This line reflects the profound sense of longing and emptiness felt in the absence of a loved one, highlighting the intensity of their bond and the impact of separation on one's well-being. The phrase suggests that life feels incomplete without the other person, emphasizing love's vital role in existence.
The narrative delves into themes of love, loss, and the complexities of relationships. Through the characters’ experiences, the author paints a vivid picture of how emotional connections shape one's identity and sense of purpose. The longing expressed in the quote serves as a reminder of the significance of relationships and the heartache that accompanies distance, showcasing Faulks’ ability to evoke strong feelings of nostalgia and desire within the story.