The protagonist reflects on the tragic irony of the situation faced by soldiers during wartime. The C.I.D. man, who finds refuge in a hospital, contrasts sharply with the chaos erupting beyond its walls. The ongoing conflict engulfs countless young men, who, driven by their notions of patriotism, sacrifice their lives without hesitation. The madness of war is further intensified as those driven to insanity by the horrors of combat are often awarded medals, signifying a distorted sense of honor amidst the chaos.
This commentary highlights a grim reality where the sanctity of life is overshadowed by a relentless war, creating a cycle of violence and loss. The lack of awareness and indifference among the soldiers themselves regarding their fate underscores the tragic aspects of their plight. As they face the tragic futility of their sacrifices, it becomes clear that the war has left an indelible impact on their lives, with no resolution or peace in sight.