In the book "Like Water for Chocolate," the author Laura Esquivel presents a thought-provoking idea relayed by a grandmother. She proposes that each person is born with an untapped potential, symbolized by a box of matches. However, to ignite this potential, one cannot do it alone; it requires external elements, akin to oxygen and a candle, to spark the energy within us. This illustrates the importance of connection and support from loved ones to help us realize our true selves.
The grandmother further explains that the "oxygen" represents the nurturing presence of those we care about, while the "candle" signifies various experiences and stimuli—such as food, music, affection, or words—that catalyze emotion. These elements come together to create profound moments of joy and illumination in our lives, highlighting the intricate interplay between individual potential and external influences. Through this metaphor, Esquivel emphasizes the significance of relationships and meaningful experiences in fostering our emotional growth.