In her book "Sunshine," Robin McKinley captures the chaotic nature of her bakery through a vivid metaphor. She compares muffin cups to the magical yet uncontrolled chaos seen in the story of the sorcerer's apprentice, suggesting that her baking environment is both enchanting and unpredictable. Each day, as she prepares for the morning rush, the dough for her cinnamon rolls bubbles over with an energy reminiscent of a monstrous entity, hinting at the challenges and excitement inherent in her work.
This selection illustrates the challenges of baking, where every ingredient can transform into something unexpected, much like the classic horror of The Blob. The imagery evokes a sense of wonder and mischief, making the baking process feel alive with potential and danger. McKinley's vivid descriptions reflect not just the culinary activity but also an artful dance of creation that keeps the atmosphere lively and engaging.