In "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine," Michael Lewis explores the complexities of the financial crisis that led to the 2008 recession. He highlights the opaque nature of subprime mortgage bonds and the ignorance of many investors towards these risky financial instruments. The quote, "Only someone who has Asperger's would read a subprime mortgage bond prospectus," emphasizes that understanding these complicated documents requires a unique level of focus and analytical thinking, often associated with Asperger's syndrome.
This comment points to the idea that most people are unwilling or unable to engage deeply with such intricate financial information, which contributed to the widespread failure during the crisis. By shining a light on those who did take the time to read and comprehend these prospectuses, Lewis showcases the contrasting mindsets of diligent analysts against the backdrop of a market filled with recklessness and ignorance. Ultimately, the book examines how a few individuals recognized the impending disaster while others blindly followed the herd.