She shook her head. I don't know the details, exactly, but he was a lobbyist for the Minnesota Apiary Association. You mean, archery? Jeff asked. No, apiary, Daddy. You know, honey bees. There was some kind of licensing thing going on, Brittany said. The state was going to put on a fee, and some of the bee guys said they wouldn't bring their hives into Minnesota if that happened, and Tubbs thought that the bees were interstate commerce and so only the feds were allowed to regulate it. Or something like that. I don't know. I wasn't interested enough to follow it. But Bob was around.
by John Sandford
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Brittany explains to Jeff the situation surrounding a lobbyist for the Minnesota Apiary Association, clarifying that an apiary relates to honey bees, not archery. She recounts that there was a potential licensing issue, with the state considering a fee that could deter beekeepers from bringing their hives into Minnesota. Tubbs, the lobbyist, believed that bee-related commerce fell under federal jurisdiction, which added complexity to the situation.

Despite the intricacies of the issue, Brittany admits her lack of interest in the details, stating that she only knows Bob was involved in the conversation surrounding it. This highlights the disconnect between the importance of the matter and her personal engagement with the topic, showcasing a common scenario where complex issues don't always capture people’s attention.


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