In this passage from "Lovecraft Unbound" by Ellen Datlow, the character is momentarily overtaken by a sense of compassion towards a man who seems out of place in his surroundings, depicted through his simple appearance and the unusual artwork around him. The man is described as having a pinched face and wearing brown overalls, emphasizing his humble and possibly troubled state. The scenes of Jesus performing mundane farm tasks add a layer of absurdity to the situation, highlighting the man's misguided endeavors.
However, this surge of compassion quickly dissipates for the character named Wally, who holds back from reaching out to the man. This internal conflict showcases a complex emotional landscape, reflecting Wally's struggle between empathy and the recognition of the man's lack of talent. The moment illustrates a deeper commentary on human connection, the instinct to comfort others, and the barriers that often prevent us from acting on those feelings.