The Marquis considered himself immune to flattery, believing he had encountered every form of it. However, he was caught off guard by the innocent admiration in a twelve-year-old's eyes, which touched him unexpectedly. This innocent gaze managed to penetrate his defenses, revealing a vulnerability he wasn't aware he possessed. Despite his usual ability to dismiss sycophants and overly enthusiastic admirers, he found himself unable to rebuff this youthful admirer, as doing so felt akin to hurting a trusting puppy.
His typical reactions to flattery involved cool dismissals and sharp rebukes directed at those who sought to ingratiate themselves with him. Yet, his encounter with the young girl's genuine admiration made him reflect on the loneliness he might face in the company of others who lacked such sincerity. Even as he contemplated the dullness of life in Soho, he was struck by the sincerity of the girl's affection, which made him rethink his usual stance toward flattery and admiration.