Tis my will that thou and he shall die by my hand. Thou hast but to choose the manner of thy death." "Old age," Cimorene said promptly. "Mock
by Patricia C. Wrede (0 Reviews)
In the story "Dealing with Dragons" by Patricia C. Wrede, a character named Cimorene faces a dire situation where someone else holds the power over her fate. The speaker declares their intention to decide the manner of her death, presenting her with a cruel choice. Cimorene, however, responds with unexpected humor and defiance, suggesting that she would prefer to die of old age rather than succumb to violence. This clever retort highlights her strong-willed and independent nature.
Cimorene's response captures her unique personality and sets the tone for her character throughout the book. Rather than letting fear dictate her reaction, she chooses wit, showing her resilience in the face of danger. This moment reveals not only her bravery but also her desire to challenge the norms and expectations placed upon her, making her a memorable and relatable protagonist as she navigates her adventures.
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