In Joseph Heller's "Catch-22," the character Yossarian discovers that leaving money for an old woman serves as a symbolic act that paradoxically addresses various injustices. This behavior suggests a sense of guilt and the desire to atone for his circumstances, highlighting the absurdity of war and the moral complexities faced by individuals. The act of leaving money transforms a moment of discomfort into something seemingly redemptive, illustrating how societal norms often dictate what is considered right or wrong.
The quote underscores a recurring theme in the novel: the struggle to maintain humanity amidst the chaos of war. Yossarian's attempt to rectify a situation with money demonstrates a futile yet relatable human effort to find meaning and correctness in a world governed by illogical rules. Heller crafts a narrative that reveals the absurdity of trying to make things right in a context where traditional values have been upended, deepening the reader's understanding of the characters' moral dilemmas.