"Heart of Darkness" is a novella by Joseph Conrad that explores themes of colonialism and human nature through the journey of its protagonist, Charles Marlow. Set in the late 19th century, Marlow travels up the Congo River to find Kurtz, an ivory trader who has become a legend due to his supposed spiritual and intellectual insights. The narrative reveals the brutal realities of European imperialism and its dehumanizing effects on both the colonizers and the colonized. As Marlow approaches Kurtz’s station, the horrors of exploitation and moral decay become increasingly apparent.
Conrad’s use of ambiguous imagery and fragmented narrative structure enhances the novella's themes, leaving readers to ponder the implications of imperialism and the darkness inherent in humanity. "Heart of Darkness" continues to be studied for its rich symbolism and critique of colonialism, making it a significant literary work that resonates with contemporary discussions about power, morality, and the human condition.