"Oryx and Crake," written by Margaret Atwood, is a speculative fiction novel that delves into themes of genetic engineering, environmental degradation, and societal collapse. The story follows Snowman, the last surviving human in a dystopian world ravaged by a plague. Through his memories, the narrative unfolds, revealing the intertwining lives of Snowman, his childhood friend Crake, and the enigmatic Oryx. The novel captures their complex relationships in a society that has turned to bioengineering and animal modification, leading to catastrophic consequences.
The plot is set in a future where corporate power and scientific advancements have led to a breakdown of moral values. Crake, a brilliant but troubled character, creates a new breed of genetically engineered humans called the Crakers, who are designed to be devoid of the emotional complexities that plagued humanity. The story raises questions about the ethics of science and the extent to which humanity should interfere with nature, posing a grim vision of the potential outcomes of unchecked technological progress.