"Silver Borne" is the fifth book in Patricia Briggs' popular Mercy Thompson series. It continues the story of Mercedes "Mercy" Thompson, a mechanic and shapeshifter living in the Tri-Cities of Washington. In this installment, Mercy faces new challenges as she becomes embroiled in a conflict involving the fae and their complex politics, particularly concerning the recently discovered mystery of a powerful artifact. Her connection to the werewolves and her duties as a guardian for her community further complicate her life.
The narrative revolves around Mercy's efforts to protect her loved ones while navigating the dangerous waters of supernatural intrigue. The plot thickens when her friend Jesse is targeted, prompting Mercy to uncover deeper truths about the fae and their motivations. As an independent woman, Mercy's resilience and resourcefulness shine through as she tackles the threats against her and those she cares about.