"Something Happened" is a novel by Joseph Heller that delves into the internal struggles of its protagonist, Bob Slocum, a successful advertising executive in 1960s America. The story is narrated through Slocum’s perspective, revealing his thoughts and feelings about his life, career, and relationships. As he navigates the pressures of work and family, readers witness his growing sense of disconnection and anxiety about the world around him.
The narrative examines themes of identity, the meaning of success, and the emotional turmoil that often underlies outward appearances. Slocum grapples with his own insecurities and the expectations placed on him by society. He reflects on his decisions, questioning the values that guide him and the consequences of his choices, which adds depth to his character and the overall story.
Through a mix of dark humor and poignant moments, Heller critiques the superficiality of modern life and the search for genuine connection. "Something Happened" offers an exploration of the human condition, highlighting how feelings of alienation and introspection are universal experiences, resonating with anyone confronting the complexities of life and personal fulfillment.