"The Virgin Suicides," a novel by Jeffrey Eugenides, tells the haunting story of the five Lisbon sisters—Cecilia, Lux, Bonnie, Mary, and Therese—growing up in a suburban neighborhood in the 1970s. The narrative is delivered through the eyes of neighborhood boys who become obsessed with the enigmatic and sheltered sisters. Their lives are heavily controlled by their strict parents, contributing to an atmosphere of isolation and secrecy that ultimately leads to tragedy.
The novel explores themes of adolescence, the complexities of female identity, and the dark side of suburban life. As the boys attempt to understand the sisters, their fascination transforms into a deeper reflection on the nature of desire, loss, and the impact of societal expectations. The Lisbons, with their beauty and mystery, embody the struggles of youth, suppressed emotions, and the tragic consequences of misunderstanding and stigma.