Book:    Almost Heaven
Viewed: 21 - Published at: 7 years ago

Haven't I tired you out yet, darling?" Ian whispered several hours later.
"Yes," she said with an exhausted laugh, her cheek nestled against his shoulder, her hand drifting over his chest in a sleepy caress. "But I'm too happy to sleep for a while yet."
So was Ian, but he felt compelled to at least suggest that she try. "You'll regret it in the morning when we have to appear for breakfast," he said with a grin, cuddling her closer to his side.
To his surprise, the remark made her smooth forehead furrow in a frown. She tipped her face up to his, opened her mouth as if to ask him a question, then she changed her mind and hastily looked away.
"What is it?" he asked, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifting her face up to his.
"Tomorrow morning," she said with a funny, bemused expression on her face. "When we go downstairs…will everyone know what we have done tonight?"
She expected him to try to evade the question.
"Yes," he said.
She nodded, accepting that, and turned into his arms. "Thank you for telling me the truth," she said with a sigh of contentment and gratitude.
"I'll always tell you the truth," he promised quietly, and she believed him.
It occurred to Elizabeth that she could ask him now, when he'd given that promise, if he'd had anything to do with Robert's disappearance. And as quickly as the thought crossed her mind, she pushed it angrily away. She would not defame their marriage bed by voicing ugly, unfounded suspicions carried to her by a man who obviously had a grudge against all Scots.
This morning, she had made a conscious decision to trust him and marry him; now, she was bound by her vows to honor him, and she had absolutely no intention of going back on her own decision or on the vow she made to him in church.
"While we're on the subject of truth, I have a confession to make."
Her heart slammed into her ribs, and she went rigid. "What is it?" she asked tautly.
"The chamber next door is meant to be used as your dressing room and withdrawing room. I do not approve of the English custom of husband and wife sleeping in separate beds." She looked so pleased that Ian grinned. "I'm happy to see," he chuckled, kissing her forehead, "we agree on that.

( Judith McNaught )
[ Almost Heaven ]