Author:  Mario Livio
Viewed: 20 - Published at: 7 years ago

The forces of nature are color blind. Just as an infinite chessboard would look the same if we interchanged black and white, the force between a green quark and a red quark is the same as that between two blue quarks, or a blue quark and a green quark. Even if we were to use our quantum mechanical "palette" and replace each of the "pure" color states with a mixed-color state {e.g., "yellow" representing a mixture of red and green or "cyan" for a blue-green mixture}, the laws of nature would still take the same form. The laws are symmetric under any color transformation. Furthermore, the color symmetry is again a gauge symmetry-the laws of nature do not care if the colors or color assortments vary from position to position or from one moment to the next.

( Mario Livio )
[ The Equation That Couldn't Be ]