Miss Cornelia reflects on the transformation of Mr. Meredith since his engagement. She notes that he has become more alert and attentive, shedding much of his previously dreamy and absent-minded nature. This change brings her relief, particularly with his decision to close the manse and allow the children to visit elsewhere during his honeymoon. She expresses a strong concern over leaving the children and Aunt Martha alone for an entire month, fearing potential mishaps or disasters at the manse during that time.
This concern highlights Miss Cornelia's protective instincts and her understanding of the challenges involved in caring for children. Her remarks suggest that she has little faith that the household would manage well without Mr. Meredith's guidance, indicating her belief that his engagement has positively influenced his responsibilities. Overall, her comments reveal both her devotion to the welfare of the children and her opinion on Mr. Meredith's readiness for his new role as a husband.