In the serene setting of Four Winds Harbour, a peaceful and vibrant evening in May unfolds. The lush, apple-green landscape reflects the golden hues of the setting sun, creating a picturesque scene. However, there is an underlying sense of melancholy as the sea emits a mournful sound against the sand-bar, hinting at the deeper emotions tied to the seasons and nature. This atmosphere contrasts with the lively breeze that plays along the path, symbolizing a lively spirit amidst the backdrop of spring.
Miss Cornelia, who is affectionately known as Mrs. Marshall Elliott, is strolling through this charming landscape toward the village of Glen St. Mary. Her matronly presence brings a sense of comfort and stability as she navigates this idyllic yet somewhat poignant setting. The imagery conveys both the beauty and complexity of the world around her, inviting readers to explore the nuances of life that exist in Rainbow Valley.