body; he had a second batch of recalcitrant friars to be dispatched to Tyburn, to be slit up and gralloched by the hangman. They were traitors and deserved the death, but it is a death exceeding most in cruelty. The pearls around her long neck looked to him
by Hilary Mantel (0 Reviews)
In Hilary Mantel's "Bring Up the Bodies," the narrative delves into a dark period filled with betrayal and severe punishment. The protagonist confronts a group of obstinate friars who are to be executed in a particularly brutal manner. Although these individuals are labeled traitors deserving of their fate, the severity of their punishment raises questions about morality and justice, illustrating the era's harsh realities.
Amidst the grim backdrop, the imagery of pearls around a woman's neck contrasts sharply with the violence of the sentence carried out. This juxtaposition emphasizes the complexities of human experience and societal norms during turbulent times, raising ponderings on the nature of loyalty and the consequences of defiance in a ruthlessly punished society.
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