"Strength in What Remains" by Tracy Kidder tells the story of a young Burundian man, Deo, who survives violence and chaos in his homeland. The narrative follows his challenging journey to America, where he grapples with the trauma of war and the realities of starting anew in a foreign land. Kidder weaves together themes of resilience, hope, and the power of compassion as Deo seeks to rebuild his life and eventually give back to those afflicted by similar struggles.
The book also touches on broader issues of infection and inequalities that resonate globally, highlighting how systemic disparities affect the most vulnerable populations. Kidder's portrayal of Deo’s journey not only emphasizes personal survival but also brings to light the social injustices that create barriers to recovery and healing. This poignant narrative urges readers to reflect on their roles in addressing inequities and fostering understanding across cultures.