In the last century, it was discovered that thoughts hold immense power, comparable to electric batteries. They can positively energize just like sunlight or negatively impact one's well-being, akin to poison. This insight underscores the importance of mental awareness, suggesting that negative or sad thoughts can have harmful effects on one's life. Allowing such thoughts to linger in the mind can be as detrimental as permitting a harmful germ into the body, leading to long-lasting consequences.
This message, conveyed in "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett, emphasizes the need to cultivate positive thinking as a means of preserving emotional and mental health. It serves as a reminder to be vigilant about which thoughts are allowed to take root, as persistent negative thinking can become ingrained and difficult to overcome. Just as one would avoid physical illness, it is crucial to guard the mind against harmful thoughts to promote overall well-being.