The quote "She may be a good whore, but she's no hand at cards" from Diana Gabaldon's "A Breath of Snow and Ashes" reflects the complexity of a character's skills and moral standing. It implies that while the character might excel in one dubious aspect of life, such as navigating the world of prostitution, she lacks proficiency in another domain, like playing cards. This contrast suggests a deeper commentary on how individuals can be multifaceted, succeeding in certain areas while struggling in others.
This excerpt also reveals themes of judgment and societal roles, illustrating how characters are often pigeonholed based on their occupations or abilities. Gabaldon’s writing frequently explores the interplay of personal choices and societal expectations, challenging readers to examine the dichotomy between a person's actions and their intrinsic worth. Ultimately, this line encapsulates the book's exploration of human complexity and the varied skill sets that define a person.