In Michael Crichton's novel "Pirate Latitudes," the setting is Port Royal, a notorious historical hub for piracy in the Caribbean during the 17th century. The story follows a daring pirate named Captain Charles Hunter, who seeks riches and adventure while navigating the perils of the high seas. His quest leads him through encounters with other pirates, colonial authorities, and the mysteries of treasure hunting. Crichton brings to life the tension and excitement of a world driven by greed and fear.
The quote "There are no pirates in Port Royal" serves as a reflective commentary on the changing perceptions of piracy and lawlessness in this vibrant port city. It underscores the transformation from a place of chaos and rebellion to one increasingly under the control of colonial powers. Through Hunter's adventures, the novel explores themes of freedom, ambition, and the quest for identity amidst the backdrop of shifting moral landscapes, highlighting the allure and danger of the pirate life.