In "Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga," Hunter S. Thompson remarks on the absurdity of asking an impoverished writer to secure a significant quantity of beer. This situation highlights the irony and humor found within the chaotic lifestyles of the Hell's Angels and the countercultural movements of the time. Thompson uses this anecdote to emphasize the mismatch between the task and the person's capabilities, drawing a parallel to a humorous quote about an inadequate arrangement, such as sending a goat to look after cabbages.
This scenario not only serves as comic relief but also reflects the larger themes of the book. By juxtaposing the wildness of the Hell's Angels with the fragility of a penniless writer, Thompson critiques societal norms and presents a vivid picture of the unconventional world he explores. The quote serves to underscore the absurdity and unpredictability in both life and the counterculture scene, where roles are often ill-defined and expectations subverted.