Thus it transpired that even Berlin could be mysterious. Within the linden's bloom the streetlight winks. A dark and honeyed hush envelops us. Across the curb one's passing shadow slinks: across a stump a sable ripples thus. The night sky melts to peach beyond that gate. There water gleams, there Venice vaguely shows. Look at that street--it runs to China straight, and yonder star above the Volga glows! Oh, swear to me to put in dreams your trust, and to believe in fantasy alone, and never let your soul in prison rust, nor stretch your arm and say: a wall of stone.
by Vladimir Nabokov
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The passage reveals a mystical side of Berlin, combining the beauty of its nighttime atmosphere with a sense of wonder. The author describes the interplay of light and shadow as the scene unfolds, with a tranquil and almost surreal ambiance marked by the blooming linden trees. The imagery evokes feelings of nostalgia and longing, hinting at the magic that exists in the mundane aspects of life.

The text encourages the reader to embrace dreams and fantasy, suggesting that one should not confine their imagination or spirit. It highlights the importance of believing in the ethereal and transcending the barriers of reality. The imagery of distant places and glowing stars suggests that the world is full of possibilities, urging a commitment to a more vibrant inner life rather than succumbing to a constrained existence.


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March 22, 2025

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