Mamaw is deeply concerned about the impending sale of her beloved property, Sea Breeze, as she realizes the potential separation of her granddaughters, Dora, Carson, and Harper. She fears that without efforts to strengthen their bonds, they may drift apart when the house is sold in September. Mamaw's emotional attachment to Sea Breeze is intertwined with family connections, and she yearns to keep her granddaughters united during her final days at the home.
Last May, she invited the girls to celebrate her 80th birthday at Sea Breeze, hoping for more than just a celebration. Mamaw had a strategic motive to bring them together, recognizing that this might be one of the last opportunities to foster their relationships before her move into an assisted living arrangement in Marietta. Her heart aches at the thought of the family being scattered, and she is determined to create lasting memories before significant changes occur.