In "Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life," Herman Melville raises a thought-provoking question about happiness and the nature of human wants. He contrasts the life of a savage, untouched by the stresses and demands of civilization, with that of modern individuals who grapple with numerous needs and worries. The savage's insensitivity to these desires may grant him a richer sense of peace and contentment, suggesting that a simpler existence could lead to greater happiness.
Melville invites readers to consider whether the complexities of modern life hinder true joy. By highlighting the savage's lack of "harassing cares," he implies that the absence of societal pressures might allow for a more profound appreciation of life. This contemplation suggests that happiness might not necessarily stem from the fulfillment of wants but rather from liberation from them, suggesting a philosophical reflection on the values inherent in varying lifestyles.