Category: judd-and-tawny
Quotes of Category: judd-and-tawny
  1. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Cobra

    What?" Judd growled and I had to admit Tawny was right about him sounding like a dog when he did that. Turning around, I noticed two of Cooper's club guys standing behind us. "What's your deal, O'Keefe?" one guy asked while the other avoided Judd's hateful gaze. When no one responded, the big bald guy looked me up and down. "She's tiny. How does fucking even work?" Aaron shifted next to me, now looking as hostile as Judd. "Back off, Mac." "Just curious. I've never fucked a tiny chick." "You shouldn't talk about a man's girl that way especially when she's carrying his kid," Cooper warned, clearly wanting to jump in, but holding back so not to emasculate Aaron. Farah said guys in the club were testing Cooper lately because they sensed weakness in his leadership. I couldn't imagine anyone looking at Cooper without fearing his wrath. Even if they didn't fear Cooper, they ought to fear his enforcers. After all, Judd was glaring at Mac like waiting for any reason to attack. Sensing a back story to this pissing match, I knew Mac was about to say something nasty even before he opened his mouth. "I hear chicks get big tits when they're knocked up. Certainly can't hurt with this one." Why Mac was starting shit didn't matter. Aaron threw the punch and the bar immediately exploded into violence. Judd was waiting for a reason to attack while Cooper and Vaughn were always up for a fight. Aaron hit Mac again as the bigger guy stumbled back. I thought of grabbing a chair and helping my man, but Tawny pulled me away. Soon, we were hiding under a table where Farah crouched with wide eyes. "Aaron needs to stake his claim and protect his woman," Tawny said, cuddled next to Farah. "If you help him, it's like you're cutting off his balls and tossing them in your purse. Immature or not, these guys need to be men or they get insecure. Can't have that.
  2. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Cobra

  3. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Outlaw

    The chick last night marked you," he said, gesturing to my throat. "Might be a stalker. You'll want to prepare to wake up with your balls removed." "Raven might cut off my balls, but not because she's a stalker. More like she's just in a bad mood or gassy." Tawny looked at me then shook her head. "Oh, Vaughn. You're fucked." "Actually, I was and quite well. In fact, I think she bruised my hip bones." Laughing, Tawny cuddled against Judd. "When's the wedding?" Once Judd started laughing, I flipped them off and looked at my menu. "We're fuck buddies. Nothing more." Judd nodded. "Makes sense. A man of your stupidity couldn't handle a relationship. Best to keep your life simple." "She's hot. That's all I care about." "She is hot," Tawny said, smiling easier now. "She could probably land a rich guy with those looks." "Did you just call me poor?" "I only mean she could get someone better than a manwhore with commitment issues." "Fuck you," I said and Judd looked ready to hit me. "I could commit if I wanted to. If I wasn't expecting to die soon, I'd commit all over the fucking place." "You don't even have a pet." "Who would take care of my pet when I died?" "If it was a cat, we'd take it in." Judd frowned. "No more cats." "One more wouldn't hurt. In fact, if we have a bunch of cats, people will stop asking when we're having a kid." Judd's frown disappeared. "Another cat wouldn't be the end of the world." "Judd's the one who can't commit," I muttered. "He's married and we have two cats. We're plenty committed. You're the one getting hickeys from a girl who likely will marry someone else in a few months." "Why a few months?" "I don't know. I just feel like she'll be married in a few months. A rich guy." "Are you psychic now?" "Yes, I'm going to open a shop and tell people their fortunes." Smiling, Judd kissed her forehead. "A businesswoman. That's sexy." "Don't even think about ditching me again so you two can fuck. You can hump each other later." "Oh, we will," Tawny said, waving over the waitress.
  4. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Knight

  5. Bijou Hunter _ Damaged and the Knight

    You know what you were and it wasn't a job." His words taunted me, offering a glimmer of hope. Yet, his words on the driveway less than two months ago lingered in my thoughts. "Why are you bothering me?" "You're not to go around Mac again. Do you understand?" "I don't have to listen to you." Judd narrowed his eyes at me. "Fine. I'll tell him to stay away from you. He'll listen if he wants to keep both eyes." "Whatever. He's one guy and the college is full of them. Bailey and I are going to a frat party this weekend. Can't take all of those guys' eyes." "Is that a challenge?" "You got me here safe," I said, trying to look away, but unable to. "You did your job and I'm sure you got paid. What more do you want?" Judd glanced at approaching Harleys then focused on me. When he erased the space between us again, I shivered at the feel of his breath on my cheek. "You know what I want." "To fuck me because I'm hot." Judd stared in my eyes and I saw the walls come down. Even staring into those pained baby blues, I remembered how coldly he discarded me. Over a month passed with no word from him. Yet, one guy sniffed around me and Judd was suddenly interested. "Is your birthday present to me to make me a woman?" I whispered, holding his gaze. "You have to know I'm not a virgin and you'd do nothing someone hasn't done before. There's no prize between my legs. Maybe you outta stop threatening random men and go find yourself a real woman." Judd opened his mouth to speak until he heard Cooper's voice from inside the house. When the arriving guests called back to their boss, Judd stepped away from me. Sighing, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his brown leather jacket. "I see a prize when I look at you," he said softly as he walked past, "but it's not between your legs." He pressed a little wrapped box into my hand. "Happy birthday, angel." Appearing on the porch, Cooper lost his smile when he saw Judd and me. The men gave each other a little nod before Judd stepped off the porch and past the men who also did their male hello gestures. The men disappeared inside, but Cooper remained next to me as I watched Judd drive away on a black Harley.