不要考虑他在遇见你之前做什么,没关系。有时候,您遇到的人会改变您的思维方式,改变您对生活的看法,而与众不同。我称他们为“ Bada Bing People”。也许你是那个人,对他。也许你是
(Don't think about what he did before he met you, that doesn't matter. Sometimes in life you meetone person that changes the way you think, alters your perception of life and nothing else matters apartfrom them. I call them 'bada bing people'. Maybe you're that person, to him. Maybe you're the on)
作者Never Forget - Emma Hart (0 评论)
Quote的本质强调了可以重新定义一个人生活的变革关系的重要性。它表明,在遇到另一个重要的其他人之前,过去的经历是无关紧要的。真正重要的是他们对彼此生活的联系和影响。作者提出了这样的想法,即某些人被称为“ Bada bing People”,具有深刻改变我们对生活看法的能力。