(It is to be remembered that all art is magical in origin - music,sculpture, writing, painting - and by magical I mean intended toproduce very definite results. Paintings were originally formulaeto make what is painted happen. Art is not an end in itself, anymore than Einstein's matter-into-energy formulae is an end in itself.Like all formulae, art was originally FUNCTIONAL, intended to mak)
作者William S. Burroughs (0 评论)
William S. Burroughs强调了各种形式的艺术,包括音乐,雕塑,写作和绘画。他认为,艺术最初是为了牢记特定意图而创造的,旨在产生直接和切实的结果。他认为,艺术的目的不仅是为了自身而存在,而且是在世界上产生某些影响。