"Dragonfly in Amber" is the second installment in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. It continues the story of Claire Randall, a World War II nurse, who time-travels to 18th-century Scotland. In this book, Claire wrestles with the consequences of her past decisions, especially her love for Jamie Fraser and her longing for her life in the 20th century. The narrative unfolds through Claire's reflections as she navigates the turbulent historical landscape, intertwining romance, danger, and loyalty.
The novel explores themes of love and sacrifice, as Claire and Jamie face numerous challenges that test their bond. Their relationship evolves against a backdrop of political intrigue and the impending Jacobite uprising. Gabaldon richly details the setting, transporting readers to a vibrant and tumultuous period, while also examining the complexities of time travel and its emotional repercussions on Claire and those around her.