God forbid I should bleed to death, eh? Then you'd have to cart around my rotting corpse. {Kyrian} Could you be any more morbid? Jeez, who was your idol growing up? Boris Karloff? {Amanda} Hannibal, actually. {Kyrian} You're trying to scare me, aren't you? Well, it won't work. I grew up in a house with an angry poltergeist and two sisters who used to conjure demons just to fight them. Buster, I've seen it all and your gallows humor isn't working on me. {Amanda}
by Sherrilyn Kenyon (0 Reviews)
In a comical exchange, Kyrian and Amanda engage in playful banter regarding morbidity and humor. Kyrian makes a dark joke about bleeding to death, implying Amanda would have to deal with his lifeless body. Amanda teases him, questioning his idol, leading to a humorous revelation that Kyrian admires Hannibal.
Amanda perceives Kyrian's humor as an attempt to frighten her, to which she responds dismissively, citing her own spooky experiences in a house with a poltergeist and sisters who conjured demons for entertainment. This exchange highlights their contrasting views on fear and humor amidst supernatural elements.
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