In Wallace Stegner's "Angle of Repose," the author explores how touch can undermine various moral values such as chastity, loyalty, and monogamy. Touch is portrayed as a powerful and potentially destructive force that can lead to betrayal, both of oneself and of others. Simple gestures, like brushing shoulders or comforting someone with a hand on the shoulder, are depicted as fraught with hidden intentions and emotions, carrying a sense of longing rather than pure affection.
Stegner emphasizes the intensity of physical contact, illuminating how even the slightest touch can ignite deep feelings of desire and connection. While intended as a source of comfort, touch can instead awaken desires that complicate relationships and ethical boundaries. The narrative suggests that the act of touching is not merely a benign interaction but rather a catalyst for emotional turbulence, illustrating the complexities of human connections in the context of fidelity and virtue.