(, no time for dreams of what might have been. There were plans to be made. The beach house -and all the secrets it held- had to be placed in secure hands. Too much had been sacrificed for too many years to let the secrets slip out now. Too many reputations were at stake. She had but one hope. Lord, she prayed, her voice raspy in her tight throat. I'm not here to complain. You know me better than that after all this time. But the Bible says You never close a door without opening a window. So I'm praying for You to open the window. You know how things are between Cara and me. It will probably take a miracle to make)
作者Mary Alice Monroe (0 评论)
在玛丽·爱丽丝·梦露(Mary Alice Monroe)的《海滨别墅》中,一个角色面临过去牺牲的重量以及对海滨别墅秘密的保护需求。她认识到所涉及的赌注,特别是关于声誉的赌注,她知道随着未来计划的展开,必须保护这些秘密。她的紧迫感,她转向祈祷,表达了对指导和干预的希望。