Você sabe que você está de baixo quando Okies ri de você '', disse ela. Com a nossa janela de saco de lixo, nosso capô amarrado e os suprimentos de arte amarrados ao telhado, havíamos superado os Okies.
(You know you're down and out when Okies laugh at you,' she said. With our garbage bag taped window, our tied down hood, and art supplies strapped to the roof, we'd out-Okied the Okies.)
por Jeannette Walls (0 Avaliações)
Em "The Glass Castle", de Jeannette Walls, o autor reflete sobre um momento de profunda humildade e luta durante sua infância. The quote illustrates the level of desperation her family faced, as even those who typically embody hardship, like the Okies, found amusement in her situation. Isso enfatiza não apenas as lutas de sua família, mas também a forte realidade de suas condições de vida.
Additionally, the imagery of their makeshift vehicle, with a garbage bag for a window and art supplies tied to the roof, symbolizes their resourcefulness and resilience despite being down on their luck. Walls captures the irony of their situation, highlighting how they had become even more marginalized than those around them, making it a poignant moment in her narrative of overcoming adversity.
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