(Disturbed and upset, Mrs. Pritchet gazed mutely out the window of the car and systematically abolished various categories. Old farmhouses with tottering windmills ceased to be. Ancient rusty automobiles vanished from this version of the universe. Outhouses disappeared, along with dead trees, shabby barns, rubbish heaps and poorly-dressed itinerant fruit-pickers. What's)
作者Philip K. Dick (0 评论)
在菲利普·迪克(Philip K. Dick)的《天空之眼》中,普里奇特夫人在望着车窗时经历了一个令人不安的时刻。当她观察周围的环境时,她开始在精神上消除环境中的各种元素,反映出她的不适和渴望排除了不完美和衰败的提醒。她的选择性看法强调了现实的主观本质,这是由情感和个人偏见塑造的。