(He felt the pressure of her love as she squeezed his fingers, and then there was nothing. Except the pain. But nothing else, no Heather, no hospital, no staff men, no light. And no sound. It was an eternal moment and it absorbed him completely.)
作者Philip K. Dick (0 评论)
警察说,在菲利普·迪克(Philip K. Dick)的“流下我的眼泪”中,“主角经历了一个与希瑟(Heather)之间深厚的情感联系的激烈时刻。当她抓住手指时,他感到自己的爱的重量,但很快就会发现自己被虚无。这种深刻的沉默与他之前的温暖和存在形成鲜明对比。