(I don't spot junk neighbourhoods by the way they look, but by the feel, somewhat the same process by which a dowser locates hidden water. I am walking along and suddenly the junk in my cells moves and twitches like the dowsers wand: 'Junk here!)
作者William S. Burroughs (0 评论)
在威廉·S·伯洛斯(William S. Burroughs)的书《垃圾》中,他描述了自己的能力,不是通过外表的外表来识别苦苦挣扎的社区,而是通过直观的意义,就像一个寻找水的人一样。这种独特的看法使他能够感觉到根本的问题和“垃圾”在该地区内的持续,表明与环境有更深的联系。