(Never walk over a writer, I said to myself, unless you're positive he can't rise us behind you. If you're going to burn him, make sure he's dead. Because if he's alive, he will talk: talk in written form, on the printed, permanent page.)
作者Philip K. Dick (0 评论)
在菲利普·迪克(Philip K. Dick)的无线电录像中的摘录中,叙述者反映了作家的力量和韧性。信息强调,低估作家可能是一个严重的错误,因为他们具有通过工作影响和交流的能力。警示性的语气表明,应该注意不要抑制作家的声音,因为它可能会通过他们的著作再次上升。