这很棘手。他们现在在家中,从大学橄榄球教练和助推器给迈克尔的信箱里,只是想了解未来明星的人。他们收到了国会议员哈罗德·福特(Harold Ford Jr.)的私人信,他似乎想成为迈克尔的朋友,以及阿拉巴马大学足球教练的一堆来信,他们似乎准备愿意婚姻。
(This was tricky. They had, right now, at home, boxes of letters addressed to Michael from college football coaches and boosters and just people who wanted to get to know the future star. They had a personal letter from Congressman Harold Ford Jr., who seemed to want to become Michael's friend, and a stack of letters from a football coach at the University of Alabama, who seemed prepared to offer his hand in marriage.)