(Matthew Henry, the Puritan preacher and Bible commentator, made this statement after a thief stole his money: Let me be thankful first because I was never robbed before; second, although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, because, although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.)
作者Randy Alcorn (0 评论)
Matthew Henry是一位著名的清教徒传教士,反映了他以非凡的感激态度进行的盗窃。他赞赏这是他的第一次抢劫,强调了一生中逃脱了这种经历的好运。此外,他承认,虽然小偷拿走了他的钱,但他仍然感激不已,表现出对生命价值比物质财产的价值的认识。